"For all of us, becoming indigenous to a place means living as if your children's future mattered, to take care of the land as if our lives, both material and spiritual, depended on it." - Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Last week Ronan finally fit this adorable 24 month Mr. Rogers onesie he got as a Christmas gift 2 years ago. I was so glad because I loved the show, and I was happy that I didn't let him grow out of it before wearing it at least once. Ronan is the only grandchild on his dad's side (for now), meaning he's super loved and totally spoiled when it comes to gifts. Trust me, I'm not complaining, I'm really grateful. But I'm guilty of forgetting about new clothes until they barely fit or he doesn't fit them at all. So I've made it a goal to be more conscious of what he has and to use it. Wish me luck 😁
"Lucky Me
You're My Star Shinning Brightly In My Heart Come What May Through the Storms You Will Keep Me Safe and Warm!"
Two years ago,
today, I became a Mother to this beautiful boy! I remember feeling scared as they rushed me in for an emergency C-Section because the baby was showing signs of distress every time I had a contraction and even though my C-Section was scheduled for later in the morning, when my water broke the doctors decided to get things going sooner than anticipated. I was scared, as I'd never had a major surgery. But when they placed this boy on my chest, a rush of pure love and warmth spread over me like the light from the sunrise spreads across the sky. I felt a peace that has forever changed me for the better. Happy Birthday Ronan! Lucky ME that I get to be your Mother!
"Lucky Me" was written and sung by my nephew, Curtis Casey.
The Lyrics are so beautiful and perfectly describe how I feel about Ronan. |